What started off as an old warehouse, AC Design Yard is slowly turning the rusty warehouse into a space of innovation and creativity.

Besides its roomy space for all the creative juices to flow, what really caught our eye was the wide space up front, where fresh herbs and vegetables will soon be sprouting (Get ready for our hacienda!)
Because of the pandemic, it was quite hard for us to find the right people to renovate our humble abode. However, when we finally did, our renovation journey kept on going.
Our first priority was to clear out all of the unnecessary things inside, sweep and scrub through the cobwebs and dust, mates!

Our next step was painting the walls a crisp color white to lighten up the place. We also added a few indoor plants to help with the circulation of oxygen throughout the space (of course, we’re not stopping there, we’ll be adding more MWAHAHA).
Interior wise, we decided to combine both a modern minimalist and a rustic aesthetic. Integrating wood and antique furniture with the industrial-esque warehouse, making it feel homey and relaxed. Later on, we will also add massive visual art/ oil paintings by our Chief Visionary, Alodia Cecilia.

Just a few more construction work to go!

Once all of the renovations are finished, we are excited to finally use our space for gardening, upcycling projects, producing cooking shows, commercials and short movies, and hosting intimate parties.